Blu Clinic. - Epilation Specialty Clinic Since2022

Privacy Policy

At Blu Clinic, we recognize the significance of handling the personal information entrusted to us by users of our website, and we carry out the following measures and activities in order to protect this personal information.

Handling of Your Personal Information

Blu Clinic (“we,” “our,” “us”) complies with laws and other standards related to the protection of personal information.
The personal information that we collect is information that would enable an individual to be identified, such as name, date of birth, and address.

Privacy Policy

  1. 1.We acquire, use, and provide personal information appropriately, taking into account the nature and scope of the business.
  2. 2.We clearly specify the purposes of using personal information and take appropriate measures to ensure that personal information is not handled in a way that exceeds these purposes.
  3. 3.We comply with laws, national guidelines, and other standards regarding the handling of personal information.
  4. 4.We establish safety management systems to prevent the leaking, loss, damage, corruption, or unauthorized access to personal information.

    We also take appropriate corrective and precautionary measures against incidents involving personal information.

  5. 5.We have established an inquiry counter to promptly respond to requests for the disclosure of personal information, and any inquiries, complaints, or consultations about the handling of personal information.
  6. 6.We continually reevaluate our personal information protection management system and make improvements accordingly.

Collection of Personal Information

We may collect personal information from you in order to provide and maintain more comprehensive services. The scope of collection is kept to the minimum necessary for achieving the purposes of collecting the information. We comply with the laws and regulations regarding the handling of personal information.

Management and protection of personal information

We appropriately manage the personal information entrusted to us by our customers and endeavor to prevent the loss, alteration, unauthorized access, destruction, or leaking of your information. The personal information we obtain from you will not be disclosed without your consent. Furthermore, personal information will not be available for viewing by other customers who visit our website.

Management and protection of personal information

We appropriately manage the personal information entrusted to us by our customers and endeavor to prevent the loss, alteration, unauthorized access, destruction, or leaking of your information. The personal information we obtain from you will not be disclosed without your consent. Furthermore, personal information will not be available for viewing by other customers who visit our website.

Use of Personal Information

The personal information we receive from customers is used for the following purposes:
To accurately convey information about our services to you. To identify you when you use our services. To improve our website for your increased satisfaction. To contact you if necessary.

Improvement of this privacy policy
If it becomes necessary to review the abovementioned privacy policy, improvements will be made promptly.

Disclosure, Correction, and Suspension of Use of Personal Information

If you wish to request the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion of your personal information, we will respond in a reasonably prompt manner after confirming your identity.

  1. [1]If you are requesting disclosure of your information, please contact our Personal Information Inquiries Desk so we can send you the necessary documents for requesting disclosure.
    1. (1)If you request the disclosure of your information, you will need to provide one of the following documents to confirm your identity. (It does not need to include your permanent address.) Copy of your driver’s license, passport, health insurance card, or pension book.
    2. (2)If someone requests the disclosure of your information on your behalf, a letter of authorization will be required.
    3. (3)When requesting disclosure and notification of purpose for using personal information, each request will require an 800-yen postage stamp as a fee.
  2. [2]Once the Personal Information Inquiries Desk has received your paperwork, you will be contacted at the phone number you provided in order to confirm your identity.
  3. [3]We will begin the process of disclosure as soon as we have confirmed your identity.
  4. [4]Within 2 weeks of beginning the process, we will provide you with an answer in writing.
  5. [5]Even in the event that we are unable to fulfill your request for disclosure, we will provide you with the reason for that in writing.

For enquiries about personal information, please contact the consultation desk.
Mail: info at

To request disclosure: Please phone the consultation desk.

Cookie Policy

What are Cookies?

Cookies are a mechanism for storing information as files on your computer, including your usage history, details that you have entered, and other information exchanged between your browser and the server when you use a webpage. The next time you visit the same page, the page administrator can use information from cookies to adjust what is displayed. If you allow the exchange of cookies in your browser settings, websites will be able to receive cookies from your browser. To protect your privacy, your browser will only transmit cookies that were exchanged with that website’s server.

Cookie Settings

You can adjust your preferences for sending and receiving cookies by selecting from options such as allowing all cookies, rejecting all cookies, or being notified when a cookie is received. The way to change your settings will vary depending on the browser. Please check your browser’s Help menu for information on how to change your cookie settings.

Please be aware that, if you choose the setting to reject all cookies, you may experience restrictions to the online services you can use, such as becoming unable to access services that require authentication.

What We Can Do Using Cookies

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • To be able to provide you with customized service by referencing your stored registration information when you sign in to our authentication service
  • To display the most suitable advertisements on other companies’ websites based on your interests and your usage of our website
  • To research the number of visitors and traffic to our website
  • To improve our services
  • To maintain security by prompting you to reenter your password (reauthenticate) after a certain period of inactivity

Please note that, based on arrangements with the websites of other companies that have been subcontracted to distribute our advertising, we may store and reference Blu Clinic’s cookies on other companies’ websites.